How Train the Trainer Certification
could make your next few years your biggest success ever!
If you run a business, teach or train others, lead, present things to others, call yourself an entrepreneur, sell anything, or are at all interested at all in learning how to convince others that what you have is of value, then you need to watch this video…
Train the Trainer Course Inquiry
Here's What You'll Learn in TTT
- Introduction Template: Master the world’s most powerful introduction template that will enroll and engage 100% of your audience and earn trust, credibility and respect in the first 5 minutes of your presentation.
- Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking: 13 practical ways to deal with it and forever eliminate the fear of public speaking.
- Paul Tobey’s Advanced Training Template: The 4-part system that you can duplicate over and over again to achieve maximum results.
- Rules For Learning: How to set the “rules for learning” that will allow you to hold the audience in a tight context. This means; if participation and energy drop, you have the authority and permission to pull them back in using “command mode.”
- How to Enroll & Engage: Keep you audience on the edge of their seats 100% of the time with this truly awesome system.
- Proven Sales Template: If you need to make an offer from the stage, we’ve got the template to convert audience members into sales.
- 10 Suggestology Techniques: Powerful techniques that hook the minds of your audience keeping them active, awake and learning.
- NLP: Advanced NLP techniques that accelerate your participants learning ability.
- Room Set Up: Why room set up is critical to group psychology.
Course Layout: How to layout a highly effective course in just a few hours. - The Amazing Q&A Template: How to properly respond to questions to ensure participants feel they were understood and satisfied with the answer.
- Fill a Room: Fill a room with eager participants using a 2-tiered marketing system that is not only highly effective but will cost you next to nothing!
What Makes This Course Different?
- Get More Gigs & Free Publicity: Learn how to create a one-sheet; and industry standard document that you can use for “request for speaker” submission and for the media as well.
- Fill Your Own Presentations: Use presentation marketing skills, trade show marketing templates and digital media to get people to register and show up.
- Maximize Your Internet Presence: Learn valuable information on how to leverage the web to attract new speaking opportunities.
- Sell More Products and Services: A closing template that will absolutely give you a boost in sales for your products, services, coaching, consulting and books!
- Closely Guarded Speaker Secrets: Magicians keep their secrets. So do the top speakers. Here you will learn some incredible “top speaker” secrets you will never find in any book or training program.
What Do Previous Graduates Have to Say?

A Word From Your Lead Trainer

Back in 2005 when I first decided that I was going to change my life by helping others, I knew that I had to get some training on how to connect with people from the stage. My first “paid” course since university was Train the Trainer with Peak Potentials. Since then, I have taken numerous courses and been mentored by 9 different public speaking teachers and trainers including: T. Harv Eker, Rob Riopel, Larry Gilman, Brian Klemmer and even Tony Robbins.
I’ve learned a great many things over the past 12 years, not just from my mentors but by honing my speaking craft on a daily basis. Learning by doing is easily the best way to improve, however without the context of training and speaking that I learned from others, I would not be where I am today, that’s for certain.
Over the years, I have applied my diverse and experienced speaking knowledge to seminars, training, board room presentations, sales meetings, my radio show on Global News 640 Toronto, trade shows, conferences, webinars, live stream presentations and even piano performances.
Train the trainer is easily the best investment I’ve ever made. I have literally earned millions from the stage and continue to learn and find new ways of reaching people.
I’ve learned that if you truly desire success, then you need to help enough people get what they want so you can have what you want. I encourage you to seriously consider Train the Trainer to be part of your personal and professional development plans for 2018.
Keep reading to discover my philosophy on speaking and exactly what you will learn in this amazing 3-day life altering experience.
I trust you’ll enjoy the course,
Paul Tobey

Data Doesn't Matta
No matter how you slice it, data is boring. And the more data you give the less interesting it becomes. According to researchers, the average human attention span is now less than 8 seconds. We’ll train you how to capture 100% of your audience’s attention, 100% of the time.

Context Over Content
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that matters. If a bowl springs even the tiniest of leaks, all the water (content) will dissipate. The same goes for public speaking. The order of a presentation, engaging delivery and audience participation is context.

Stories are Memorable
After 40 years, I finally made it to the stage at Carnegie Hall. And while everyone expected me to just play the piano, I first shared a short story on how I ended up there in the first place. Then, everyone held their breath as I graced the first notes. I remember thinking, “I’m sure most of them are relieved that I can actually play.” And as I ramped up the flurry of notes over the next 4 ½ minutes, I could feel the energy building. Before the last note was played all 2,200 people were on their feet. Stick that in your “information is important” pipe and smoke it.

ETR Comes Before Ideas
Before you share information, people need to hear your story so they can relate to you and so that you can Earn the Right (ETR) to speak about what you’re speaking about. Never give just a bio and never teach anything that you can’t prove.

Questions Hook the Mind
Why do questions hook the mind? Because, the mind has been trained to automatically respond to questions. Anything you can state, can be framed in the form of a question.

Come From Service
If you truly want the best for your audience, don’t perform. Instead, come from a place of service. Give of yourself without the expectation of reward and you will be handsomely rewarded.

Make the Audience the Star
You are not the star, your audience is. And when you learn how to turn the tables from ego based performance to audience inclusion and interaction, you’ll finally make the kind of money that most speakers will never know.
More Testimonials from Course Grads
Our 3-Day Train the Trainer Certification
Are you interested in this course and would like to speak with Paul Tobey to make sure it’s a good fit?
Then please call 647-608-7767 and request an online meeting.