Live Streaming is becoming one of the very best ways of showcasing your products, Services and even yourself. It helps people stay informed on the latest news and events, it helps them get actively connected to companies, and it helps them get excited about fresh content.

Live Streaming presents you with the opportunity of broadcasting straight into your customers, or potential customers, homes and interacting with them in a way that has been impossible up too now.

Websites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter garner thousands and thousands of viewers for Live events every day. Combined, they represent a viewership of millions of people.

80% of people surveyed said they preferred to watch a live video rather than read a blog and 82% prefer live video from a brand over the usual social posts. This means by simply going live you are already more likely to connect with your target audience more so than you usually would.

A Staggering 67% of live video viewers are more likely to buy a ticket to a concert or event after watching a live video of that event or a similar one.

Viewers also spend a significantly greater time watching Live video over VOD. According to Tubular Insights, viewers spend 8X longer watching live video than watching on-demand: 5.1 minutes for on-demand vs. 42.8 minutes for live video content. As brands compete for eyeballs in the news feed, live is a key differentiator.

And on top of that, according to Invodo, 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others which can give you an even larger reach than your initial audience.

Think about how Facebook Live works. Facebook gives you the option to notify your followers when a Video is scheduled, which can generate huge amounts of views depending on your following. It also allows for the stream to be easily shared, which further builds your audience while also giving that same audience the ability to comment, like and interact with you.

So how do you begin to Live stream?

The key to a good live stream is of course the equipment and finding a good location in which you wish to shoot. 62% of consumers are more likely to have a negative perception of a brand that publishes poor-quality video, so making sure you can get the best possible video out is extremely important.

At Training Business Pros we have one of the most complete Live streaming Studios in Canada with the capability to stream to Facebook Live, UStream, Twitter, YouTube, wherever you need to stream too.

We recently hosted the British Gym Clothing manufacturer ‘Gym Shark’ in our Live studio to post to Facebook Live. The total live viewers ended up being over 64 thousand people. With many more watching the VOD version after. This gave Gym Shark a huge audience to target their products too. They also included prizes for people who chose to interact with the live stream.

While not all Live videos need to be done in a studio (Instagram and Twitter are both Live streaming apps that work great for Vlog’s or AMA’s) it is certainly more beneficial for a company to go that extra mile to add more production value that the audience can visually hold on to. These higher production values can be used as a way of legitimizing your stream and catching people’s attention.

So what’s stopping you? If you have a large untapped following, or in the midst of building your following then the best way to reach them is through Live Streaming.

Our custom-made studio is the perfect place to start your live streaming experience as we have the location, equipment and expertise to help you make your live stream everything you want it to be.