There comes a point in time when every company must make the decision to start making monthly payments to a CRM company so that they can get more business and be able to handle more business.
If you’re at that critical turning point or have already decided to use Infusionsoft for your automated marketing, then you should absolutely read this post to find out why you should skip the trial and error, and pair yourself up with an Infusionsoft Automation Expert and Certified Partner.
Right out of the gate let me tell you that Infusionsoft is not the easiest play.
Sad but true. In fact, from the very first time you log into Infusionsoft, there’s a lot going on and a lot to get used to. Our staff includes 4 full-time Infusionsoft certified partners on our team to support our portfolio of clients. TBP uses Infusionsoft for its own sales pipeline. We practice what we preach – and every day we’re still learning new things. As new updates and API’s are developed, our team is deeply committed to learning.
One of our company core value’s is: We are learn-it-all’s, not know it all’s!
But back when we first started, adopting Infusionsoft into our eco-system was a nightmare. The training was limited to 4 or 5 hours, and it was not enough time to get up and running.
We made mistakes! During the first few weeks, we had a couple of “strikes” due to spam complaints and were almost kicked off of Infusionsoft. At that point, we took it upon ourselves to learn as much as we could about Infusionsoft. One of the first things that we did was pack up the team and make the trip to ICON, one of the world’s leading digital marketing conferences produced by Infusionsoft.
We learned about all the crazy complex automation that we could do and started building campaigns, forms, action sets… it was awesome. We started getting more leads, and more returning clients. And thanks to automated follow up, events were easier to promote and fill seats. Our own company grew 100%, and we began to deploy the same strategies for our clients.
Eventually, we decided to build our own team of automation experts by putting our employees through the Infusionsoft Certified Partner program. Now we have an elite team of digital marketers supporting and implementing for our portfolio of clients. Clients apply to qualify for a Deep Dive. When approved, we get the whole sales funnel done in real-team in front of our clients. Our team is not only well versed in Infusionsoft, but all of us are also Digital Marketers as well, which is a potent combination for success.
The point is, we would have never been able to call ourselves automation experts if we hadn’t made the decision to invest in ourselves first! Training was a key component because there’s just too much to consume in a short period of time. Especially when you are seeking an ROI – fast.
We now have proven strategies and campaigns that can get you up and running quickly.
One of the things you’ll notice with many self-proclaimed Infusionsoft automation “experts” is that they’ll build whatever you ask them too. The problem is you don’t know what you don’t know. And while your expert may well be versed in Infusionsoft application, it does not necessarily mean he/she is well versed in best Digital Marketing Practices.
When clients come to us for help, we have a series of proven campaigns and strategies that we insist our clients use to drive their success. We do testing. Add heat maps, Track conversions, and go through a quality control process. We take pride in the results our clients achieve!
If you ever find yourself getting pitched by a digital marketing agency that only mirrors what you ask them for the sake of agreeing with you (to get the sale) … run. Work with an agency that shows you proof, methodology, systems, process, and results. In other words, make certain that their claims are not bigger than their proof. ASK THEM TO SHOW YOU PROOF!
We don’t rest until we see results…
The most credible Infusionsoft automation experts and certified partners will monitor the work after the work is done. This is because we want to see you succeed and witness the fruits of our labor. If there is a problem, an update, a gap, or something that’s not operating at top efficiency, we’ll make sure that it’s working before we officially call it a complete project.
Why do we call ourselves Infusionsoft automation experts? Because of one thing and one thing only; Training Business Pros has 10 years’ experience in the digital marketing industry. Whether you’re looking to automate your marketing, sales, fulfillment, or even finance, we’ve built several campaigns specifically designed to create results. And one of the most impressive things that we do is that when we build a system, it includes an executive dashboard for your team to see real-time indicators of what’s actually going on.
While most companies know how much they spend on advertising and how much they earn in revenue, very few companies can give you the exact statistics on what happens in between those two things. That’s what an Infusionsoft executive dashboard is for.
What’s next? Click here to book an appointment with one of our Infusionsoft Automation Experts.